December 27, 2010

Good bye 2010

This will be my last post of 2010. I know this because I'm leaving for Iowa tomorrow (joining John) and won't be home until after the new year. I'm also not bringing my computer, and that makes it even more certain I won't be writing while I'm there.

This will be short and sweet because every time I start writing about the year I find myself writing about things I don't really want to put down here. No, 2010 was not what I expected, but when is life ever what you expect? When it comes down to it, the good still outweighed the bad, and I'm thankful for the experiences that I had - even the ones that didn't turn out as I would have liked. At the end of the day, that's what life is about. Trying new things and learning from them.

As for the things I'm thankful for - it's the usual list. My good health (written as I'm coughing). The fact that my oldest and dearest friends are still my oldest and dearest friends. Meeting John and the wonderful friends I've met through him, and all of the incredible people I've met (even if just via computer) through Twitter and Facebook. My amazing family and the support they've given - and are giving - me. The good beers I've tried. The fun memories I've made. The optimism of knowing that the best is still ahead of me.

Yes, 2010 certainly had it's share of bad. But I choose not to dwell on that, and let the past remain in the past where it doesn't have the power to hurt me or bring me down.

I hope you all have a wonderful end to what was hopefully a wonderful year. And if it wasn't, remember that it's almost in the past and it's in your power to leave it there.

I'm excited to try some beers I haven't had before while I'm in Iowa and Minnesota, so be sure to let me know of any you think I should try while I'm out there.

Cheers! See you next year!

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